Do you stiill remember what is pronoun?
Writen by: Ericksebastian
Pronoun is part of speech, where you can mention something among people, things and places. By understanding pronoun you will know more how to mention something near by you. By default pronoun divided into 5 clases, there are subjective, objective, possesive, possesive adjective and reflexive pronoun.
What is subjective pronoun?
Subjective pronoun used to mention subject on English. You can write or speak with someone, things, place's name. We used to he to mention a man in English, she for woman, I for someone who speal to mention him/herself, then we used to they to mention some people.
How about objective pronoun?
Objective pronoun used to express an obejct when the pronoun is being an object. An objects are people, things and places. For example: Mr. Erick Sebastian asked a note to him. Him came from he as subject and become him because placed on the end of sentence.
Possesive pronoun, then?
Possessive pronoun used to mention someone who own something. In this part we used to show someone about own something. Mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers are possesive pronoun.
What is Possessive adjective pronoun?
The last one is reflexive pronoun!
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