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What is a sentence on yours? Let's make it clear what the sentence is.

What is a Sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought. source

Here are examples:

1. My uncle brought the red car.
2. The red car has six wheels.
3. The president of America has sold the sugar to the ancient Boss.
4. The young man has already married.

This groups of words are a sentence because it tells a complete thought.

These are NOT sentences:

1. The handsome young man.
2. The beautiful big mountain.
3. Hard of thinking the ancient boy.

This groups of words are NOT a sentence because it does NOT express a complete thought. It leaves the reader wondering.

Formula of sentence:
S + V + O + Adverb
S Subject is a person who do something.
V Verb is what the subject did.
O Object is a noun, person, thing or complement.
Adverb Adverb shows what the sentence explain.

Let's build your own Sentences with several word I've prepared.
- Weak
- Lady
- feel
- Wolf
- Struggle


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