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Learning English to master English in a great way [Tips and Trick]

Tips and Trick how to master English

To learn English is NOT difficult if we know what we have to learn in the first time. English is NOT something hard to learn. It will be easy if the learner stay in positive thinking. Many people said English is hard to learn. That word showed the speaker weakness. Albert Einstein said in his quote "Someone who has never made a mistake someone who has never tried something new. In fact, there are many ways how to learn English easily. 

Recognize yourself

English will run on yourself depends on how your thinking about it. If you thought English is hard of course that will be something hard for you. If you thought English is something will make you happy it will be. As long as I learn about English of course I feel happy because with English I can do anything such as looking for a friend, business partner, and many more. All in all before you learn English you have to cut off your habit to judge something you haven't know about it.  

Find to know what the things will bring you to the real spirit

Spirit should accompany you in every single step on yours. Some facts showed me how the spirit influences many people in the world to change their future. There are many ways to find the thing can make you have spirit more one of all music. Music will bring you to the new situation. Heart will decide you what the feeling you took at the moment. Energetic music will change your emotion to be the best. 

Start the lesson where the lesson you doubt hard to understand

Let yourself start to learn with the hardest one. Listening, Speaking, Writing or Reading decide one the hardest one of yours and try to repeat your activity. For listening we have to prepare one of friend or site you trust to help you in English learning. To speak fluently we have to provide a material from site and your lecturer. To write grammatically we have to read every single article. 

Determine the time when you start to learn

Close your learning time with exercise.


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