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Analysis of writing to understand English writing well


Analysis of writing presented for keep your writing better, every single author needs the analysis of writing to make their writing interesting to read.

Analysis of witting:

-       Coherence
Definition: tells about identity and systematically of your paragraph.

Identity of paragraph:

·           Descriptive
Definition: Describes about thing, place and people.
è  People
§  Physical Appearance
·      Appearance
§  Character
·      Behaviour
§  Background
·      Job
·      Hobby
·      Status
è  Place
§  Free organization
è  Thing
§  Free organization
·           Narrative
Definition: tells your daily activity text, procedure text, experience text and history text
·           Expostiory
Definition: tells about something true and fact or value judgement.
è  Factual Statement
è  Value Judgement

-       Cohesion

Definition: presents to make your writing interesting and the reader will feel happy and curious and challanged by your book.
There are five points you have to know about cohesion.
a.       Linking Word
Ex: first, next, second, afterwards, after that, other step, etc
b.      Personal Pronoun
Ex: he, she, it, etc
c.       Demonstrative adjective
Ex: This à these and that à Those
d.      Definite Article
Ex: The,
e.      Synonim
Ex: important à Essential, etc
-       Completness
Definition: Presents to ensure your topic statement and your supporting sentences is having complete explaniation and support each other.
TS: There are many reasons to leave study in collage.
SS: have to be more than 3 for completeness.
-       Grammar
Ex: Tenses, Clause, Phrase, Subject + Verb, Preposition, part of speech and etc.
-       Unity
Definition: Presents to keep your idea or focus in paragraph.
-       Organization
Definition: elements of writing.
Ex: Topic Sentence, Supporting sentences, supporting details, conclussion sentence.
-       Language in Use
Definition: accuracy to use several word in English.
Ex: Pass away [human], die [animals] blackout [lamp] and ect.


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